The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35564   Message #486295
Posted By: mousethief
18-Jun-01 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: Songcatcher-See the Movie
Subject: RE: Songcatcher-See the Movie
Here's the world famous fighter-plane pilot, down behind enemy lines with nothing but his wits, a small first-aid kit, and a very expensive survival knife to keep him alive. Oh, and the service pistol and maybe 20 rounds of ammo.

I hear the boys flying overhead, looking for me. But the forest is so thick, and the chute is here at the bottom with me, instead of sprawled across the top of the trees where it could be seen. And me with no flare gun.

Okay now, remember those maps back at the briefing. This must be the Mappu River valley. The Mappu flows to the sea of ... um ...
