The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35216   Message #486507
Posted By: Charmion
18-Jun-01 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: Old Songs Festival 2001 - YES!: Part II
Subject: RE: Old Songs - YES!: Part II
CET, who *likes* camping and loves music, is counting the hours. Charmion, who loves music enough to that she is willing to tolerate camping when necessary, is mentally packing the car.

If all goes well on the Interstate, and if it isn't US Customs and Immigration day to harass middle-aged Canadian folkies, we will arrive at Old Songs at or around supper time on Thursday. Our car is an old white VW Golf with an Ontario licence plate and a Diesel engine that sounds like an ambitious sewing machine. We will settle in the campground wherever we can get good access to toilets and showers (Charmion is strange that way)--in the quiet end, we hope. We are bringing our favourite good coffee and the dreaded percolator.

We will be looking for Kendall, Jeri and Sinsull because we know we can recognize them even after a day on the road. Be warned!