The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35612   Message #486827
Posted By: Wolfgang
19-Jun-01 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Backgammon Advice
Subject: RE: BS: Backgammon Advice
A friend once said to me: Why do you win so much more often than I do? I think this is a game of chance.

I said: At least as long as you think it is it isn't. As soon as you'll be better in strategy then the chance element will be stronger.

Heed Catspaw's advice about the different odds but don't listen to the actual numbers he cites. There is one way to roll a twelve and there are five ways to roll a six. However, more famous men have made similar mistakes. A great French mathematician of centuries ago is on the record for having claimed that to roll an Eleven is as probable as to roll a Twelve.
