The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35520   Message #487195
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
19-Jun-01 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
Subject: RE: Revoke Nobel Prize to Henry Kissinger
Not much time but I'll try

Wavestar the word is denigrate, (unless you know something about my sex life that shouldn't be public) ;) but most of the songs I love have no politics involved. (However I was probably the only Marine officer with an Autoharp in VN in 69.)

Mouse, my point with Paxton still stands - no songs. But to come up with just one song by Joan Baez, and a smattering of other songs about China, Cambodia etc. against the hundreds that protested the VN war, is just a tad unbalanced. But judging from some of the responses, it must have been the thought that counted. I'm sure the Chinese have a few, but its hard to hear them from the re-education camps. But to concede the point, at least there was one song... now does anybody really feel better?

LH, I appreciate the generosity and will do my best in the future to extend the same. I just think that bringing up a subject that is almost thirty years old, with vociferous opinions expressed by people who were sperm counts at the time, does try my patience, though God knows they are welcome to express them. No one has yet come up with a more significant achievement by one person than the "China Card".

Peter T, you do need to review some of the unclassified needs assessments by the US military. All of the ones just released under the Rumsfeld options studies point to China. Things can change, but a study of the national growth patterns of the US and China point to an economic, as well as geo-political, head butting in about 15 years. Russia now has too much to lose, and is surrounded by ex-captive nations. In a nuclear exchange, China just backs off it's one child, forced abortion policy. I repeat that China is the only nation remotely capable of taking on the US. (But your point about the important opening of China by Trudeau was well taken, I honestly didn't know Canada had a fleet off China).

I will try to get back, on my newly purchased but still boxed Blue Screen Beast.