The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35626   Message #487345
Posted By: GUEST,Melani
19-Jun-01 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Little Road and a Stone to Roll
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A Little Road and a Stone to Roll
The best! Always get two, though--we had one at a time for three rats in a row, and last time got a pair of females, Olivia and Bianca, and the difference in social interaction is amazing. They are much, much happier than the others were, though they do quarrel a bit--my daughter complains that the squeaking and scuffling wakes her up at night. But it's worth it for happy rats. Last Halloween I dressed as the Pied Piper and took them trick-or-treating. They were the hit of the neighborhood!

As for the song, it was only that one line. I suppose I could think about it and get more creative.