The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35616   Message #487679
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
20-Jun-01 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should UK join the Euro ?
Subject: RE: BS: Should UK join the Euro ?
There may be good reasons to worry about some things about the European Union - worries about things been done centrally that should be done locally, and multi-national companies being given a free hand to exploit people in Eastern Europe as a price for entry, and a reduction of smaller countries to second and third rate status. (See the article in today's Guardianby George Monbiot.

And those were the kinds of things that people were voting against in the Irish referendum last week when tghey threw out the Nice treaty.

But the actual currency is a diversion from all that -"save the pound" would make sense if it referred to weights and measures, which are far more important in daily life than currency. I'd have voted to keep LSD, partly because I was aware of the fact it referred to Roman currency and was a symbolic reflection of European unity. But that's long gone - "Save the L" - what the 'ell...