The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20754   Message #487885
Posted By: GUEST,Win Grace
20-Jun-01 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords: Playing Right Field (Willy Welch)-PP&M
Subject: RE: 'Playing Right Field'
THANK YOU! Yes, this is the one I wanted. I'll work with the chord ideas from Rex -- I love that HOW HARD COULD IT BE idea! I had pretty much come up with the same chords with bass runs but was hung up in a few places. I had an F in there in a couple of places, too. Hmmmm. I'm playing this on the accordion and it's about 1/4 step out of tune with the tape which is scrambling my brain. I play Friend of the Devil on the accordion (My husband calls it Friend of the Devil polka.), so I was hearing the same runs, too. Hey this Mudcat thing is really cool. Thanks for helping! Win