The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35431   Message #488078
Posted By: JedMarum
20-Jun-01 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dubya vs. Whom in 04?
Subject: RE: BS: Dubya vs. Whom in 04?
GUEST "hanging around on the gun thing" is fine, but I suggest you consider aiming your efforts at changing constitutional law, rather then garnering support for a new and highly creative inturpretation of it.

We have a long history of Supreme Court cases following the second ammendment, and the interpretation is indisputable; the second amendment guarenteess the individual the right to bear arms. In fact, a majority of state constitutions are even more specific about the individual's right to bear arms.

The truth is you are kidding yourself if you think this right will be taken away by your reading of the law. I do believe it reasonable for you to push for a change or a repeal of the ammendment, though - and this is certainly a legitmate suggestion, since the mechanism for ammendments exists, and has been used throughout US history. Good luck.

... and Little Hawk why is cute, funny or otherwise acceptable to portray hunters and gun owners as ignorant piggish humans whose habits include berr swilling, littering and pornographic magazine readers - even just some of them, as you say? Would you find it humorous if the Folk Music game protrayed folkies as self indulgent, pot-head, hippy types with no morality, poor hygene and rampant SDTs? I would find that offensive - even some people thought it was only correct for some folkies.