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Thread #35462   Message #488288
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Jun-01 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extreme prejudice and friends
Subject: RE: BS: Extreme prejudice and friends
Doug - It's not so far out if most of if just happens kind of automatically, given the value systems that are pushed in this society. The vast majority of rich people are certainly not consciously engaging in any kind of conspiracy...they are just doing what comes naturally, as is everybody else, and they're doing it under a lot of pressure, as is everybody else.

But there is a level of people at the very top who do know what they are doing, and those people are not just rich, they are collosally rich. They have the logistical problem of figuring out how to maintain a system that is presently self-destructing by stages, as it destroys traditional community life, wrecks the environment, and brings all of society closer and closer to a collapse that will make the fall of Rome look puny in comparison.

Like the very few who ran ancient Rome....the Emperor and a few rich cronies, and a few generals, these people are trying to determine just how long they can maintain a status quo which is horribly dysfunctional...because they figure that status quo is the key to them continuing to hoard vast amounts of money and power, and to continue controlling the marketplace.

It's very sick, very unholy, and it is not leading to anything you or I are going to enjoy one bit.

On that VERY highest level, it is a conscious conspiracy...and like the rest of us, they are probably getting scared at this point. I know I am.

- LH