The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35669   Message #488380
Posted By: katlaughing
20-Jun-01 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: Catspaw - good news!
Merry Solstice Eve, everyone. Thanks for the reminder, Noreen! Here is the latest from Connie and it sounds good. Thanks!!

Latest update from K Pat's color is good now, hands warm, swelling is going down, and is able to open and close both eyes. Is gesturing for K to talk to him. So now begins the 20 questions of which topic he wants to hear about. He doesn't remember W being there. He wanted to know how the surgery went, says his side hurts where they went in.

K inquired about the vent and they said his arterial blood gases "are not stellar" so they would be weaning him slowly off the vent. now hope tp have him off by morning. K says he is alert when he is awake and then drops off--no fading they want him more awake than this before they remove the vent K will stay all night with him.

K says when you are real close to him and it is quiet she thinks she can hear click-click. W says he can. That ought to be good material there for someone to run with! :)

Unless I hear something earthshattering i will update you all when K calls in the morning.

Later~ Connie