The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35669   Message #488400
Posted By: GUEST,Guess Who (at the Library)
20-Jun-01 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: Catspaw - good news!
The Mudcat Thing
to the tune of: The Thing (as sung by --um-- you know, the guy who plays the voice of Baloo the Bear)

As I was surfin' on the web one bright sunny day
I came upon a wond'rous site, and never went away
I stayed around and chatted it up, and much to my surprise
I logged on with a click-click-click and soared the Mudcat skies, O!
I logged on with a click-click-click and soared the Mudcat skies

The first time that I surfed the 'Cat, 'twas lookin' for a song
Then I discovered the forum, and stayed to chat along
But I still find it hard to believe, that all these gals and guys
Just log on in with a click-click-click and soon the ol' mud flies, O!
They just log in with a click-click-click and soon the ol' mud flies!

Now, no-one warned me of a man whose manners are quite rough
He likes to tease and fool around, to kid and joke and bluff
Then one day he unleashed on me, as my eyes opened wide,
Oh, I got Spawed with a click-click-click, and laughed until I cried, O!
Oh, I got Spawed with a click-click-click, and laughed until I cried!

As time went on I heard about this wild and crazy man
And all the good things he has done across this crazy land
He has a heart that's big and wide, as wide as Ohio skies,
But his heart's valve leaked and went woosh-woosh-woosh, an unpleasant surprise, O!
His heart's valve leaked and went woosh-woosh-woosh, an unpleasant surprise!

And so the doctor set a date to try and fix his heart
They went on in with a tiny robot, a new and exciting art
They found the valve could not be fixed because it was no good,
So they put one in that goes click-click-click, and works just like it should, O!
They put one in that goes click-click-click, and works just like it should!

Now he is in recovery, his loved ones at his side
He's getting better as we speak, and making reasonable strides
But the tale is told to all the world by his own kids and wife,
They can hear his heart going click-click-click, as it will for the rest of his life!
They can hear his heart going click-click-click, as it will for the rest of his life!

Copyright ©2001 Alex Riggle. All Rights Reserved.
