The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35683   Message #488471
Posted By: Pelrad
20-Jun-01 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Experiences with Ghosts & The Paranormal
Subject: RE: BS: Experiences with Ghosts & The Paranormal
Yep. I ignored it for nearly thirty years, and then it all crashed in on me when the ghost in our basement returned and fixated on me. He started following me around the house, which really creeped me out. Finally after about three weeks he came to stand outside my bedroom one night and I gave him a very stern talking-to. The next morning he was gone and I hope he stays gone. Turned out the entire family (mother, father, and at least one brother) had seen him before.

A few weeks ago I was up at the Penobscot Marine Museum in Maine and saw a man in one building, felt a young woman in another. The young woman's presence communicated itself pretty well, and as for the man, it was the first time I ever confused one with a real physical person. I actually turned to talk to him and didn't realize what I'd seen until he disappeared.

I used to see things all the time, but talked myself out of having seen them. They sometimes travel pretty far to talk to my mother, though.

My husband cannot sense them at all. I think my son can, though. He keeps asking me who the man in our kitchen was, the one who looked like Daddy but had black hair.