The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35683   Message #488584
Posted By: kendall
21-Jun-01 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Experiences with Ghosts & The Paranormal
Subject: RE: BS: Experiences with Ghosts & The Paranormal
A few years ago, I was visiting a good friend in a little town just west of Augusta. He lives in an old house that was a stop on the underground railway before the Civil War. He was in the process of turning a small room into a bathroom, and he was showing me what he was doing. The door was closed, there was no one else in that room. As he talked, I heard an odd sound behind me, I looked around and a penny came rolling across the floor out of a blank wall! I was dumbstruck! When I mentioned it to him, he shrugged and said "It happens all the time, I have a jar half full of them". I found out afterwards that there was a killing in the cellar, and, although the spirit was not a bad one, it had a puckish sense of humor, and delighted in scaring the hell out of people. Being Catholic, he does not believe in spirits, but, still, there were so many such incidents that he finally had the place blessed. There have been no incidents since. There were many incidents before that, but, I didi not witness those.