The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35714   Message #489137
Posted By: MMario
21-Jun-01 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 56
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 56
Mynahs Can'T Testify
(tune: Long Black Veil)

She walks Chongqing, with her mynah bird tale
She visits the judge, and the mynah bird wails
"Nobody knows, nobody sees
Just the telephone and me..."

Two weeks ago, I had just come back
From my parents home, I was not un-packed
I was all alone, just my mynah and me
That bird it said "D,I,V,O,R,C,E"


I thought it strange, that a bird should spell
And such a word, bizarre as hell!
Then it said "My dear, please patient be
"we'll just have to wait, for the final decree


Since that day, when the phone it rings
the feathered tattle tale birdie sings
Each word it says, it has heard before,
From my cheating Husband, so I'm out the door!


Judge, can you swear in a mynah bird?
The truth in this tale now it should be heard
This bird doesn't lie, I will swear my life
Please make me no longer, that bastard's wife!


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