The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489187
Posted By: gnu
21-Jun-01 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Did not go there. Will not. Global warming, while a posssibilty, is not, scientifically. It's really quite simple. If you do not have the data to back your arguement, you have no arguement.

While I agree that we should do all we can to avoid disturbing the balance of nature, I detest those who decry the falling of the sky. While I can cite many examples, I will leave you with only one. I watched Bill Maher's TV program "Politically Incorrect" a few nights ago. A young lady stated something to the effect that "they" have satellite photos from outerspace that show the huge hole in the ozone layer. Does this s**t-for-brains not realize that we don't have satellite photos from before satellites ? Jeepers Creepers !!!! Before TV and mass hysteria, she would have been a witch and burned. In her case, it might not have been a bad idea.

Global warming my ass. It was all started by the corporations holding the patents on refrigeration. The fifty year patents were about to run out so they manufactured this crap to outlaw the use of the refigerants and refrigeratnt systems' insulations commonly used. The rich get richer and the poor get as stunned as me arse.

Of course, if you can show me the DATA to support a claim otherwise, I will march with you in the next protest. Otherwise....