The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7921   Message #48927
Posted By: Charlie Baum
10-Dec-98 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: Macaronachas / Macaronic Songs. Language mixing
Subject: RE: MacarĂ³nachas / Macaronic Songs. Language mixi
A Yiddish/Hebrew macaronic song that comes to my mind is "Lomir Alle Zingen a Zemerel" [Let's all sing a Zemer (Sabbath drinking song)]. The lyrics are in Yiddish, but give a translation and explanation of the the Hebrew song "Yom Zeh Mekhubad" {This is the Day Which Gives Honor]. Many of the words to the Hebrew song are embedded in the Yiddish, and the translation is largely comic. ("What does 'basar' [meat] mean? At the rich man's table, 'basar' is a slab of beef, but with us, 'basar' is a small taste in the middle of the stew." Likewise for "dagim" [fish] and "kol matamim" [all tasty foods]).

Jerry Epstein of New York sings some Yiddish/English macaronic songs, many of which came out of the Yiddish theatre as it adjusted to an audience that was learning English.

--Charlie Baum