The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8017   Message #48928
Posted By: Jen
10-Dec-98 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: If I was/were a blackbird? Author?
Subject: Lyr Add: IF I WAS A BLACKBIRD
My Version, with extra verses. I only used the refrain and the first verse from the Silly Wizard version.

There's a story in this somewhere, fighting to get out... Maybe I'll write it next!

CHO: Oh, if I was a blackbird, could whistle and sing,
I'd follow the vessel my true love sails in,
And in the top rigging I would there build my nest,
And I'd flutter my wings o'er her lily-white breast.

My parents they chide me and will not agree.
They say me and my false love married will never be.
Ah, but let them deprive me, oh, let them do what they will,
While there's breath in my body, she's the one that I'll love still. CHO.

I met this fair maiden back in London town.
She 'witched me and wooed me 'til I thought I would drown.
Then she pushed me aside and went on with her life.
She laughed when I said I wanted her for my wife. CHO.

I left home one morning through snow, sleet and hail.
I wanted to catch her before she set sail.
But alas, my heart broke as the ship left the shore,
And I lay there a-moaning to see her no more. CHO.

I went to the witch who lives out by the sea,
And asked her for help to get my love back to me.
She offered me potions. She offered me wine,
But not a drop I would drink till my love was mine. CHO.

She gave me a bottle. She bade me to drink.
I drank and I shivered. I dared not to think.
Was this death that I tasted or redemption at last?
Ah, my heart, it is broken but the pain it will... Pass? CHO.

And now as I lay here with grass for my bed,
I lie here and wonder will she cry when I'm dead?
Will her sorrow surround her as she kneels by my side,
Or will she laugh as she dances on the hill that I died? CHO.

I wake the next morning. I open new eyes.
I flutter my feathers. I soar to the skies.
The witch waves me on and I fly out to sea.
I will never forget her, but will she know me? CHO.

Jen S.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 19-May-02.