The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489293
Posted By: BanjoRay
21-Jun-01 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
The article pointed at by Thosp's clicky was some vague maundering based around reference to a book by Dr S Fred Singer called 'Hot Talk, Cold Science'. Here is a reader's review of this book from Amazon:

Reviewer: F. Sweet (see more about me) from Massachusetts USA
Dr. S. Fred Singer's resume lists him as corporate consultantto: " ... EXXON, Shell, Unocal, Sun Oil, ARCO." Otherwise,Singer's dysinformation between the covers of his "Hot Talk, Cold Science ..." could simply be dismissed as the writings of a good scientist gone bad. But probably, emulating the oldest profession of mankind Singer is pleased to peddle his credentials to the highest bidder among those whose product kills earth's environment when used as directed: coal and oil. His book claims: the Framework Convention on Climate Change (i.e., the Global Climate Treaty) is based on forecasts from flawed computer models of the Earth's climate, and not on the actual observations, which Singer claims show global average temperatures going down! His book obviously dismisses recording data from the National Aeronautical and Space Administration's satellite temperature probes that correlate well with corresponding data from British weather baloons: earth's atmoshpere is MEASURABLY heating up. How can Singer be "right" and 2,500 international climate and atmospheric scientists can be "wrong?" Global scientific conspiracy? No doubt, this man is one of those who Ross Gelbspan had in mind when he wrote the scientifically accurate, "The Heat Is on: The Climate Crisis, the Cover-Up, the Prescription." Too bad Singer didn't bother to look beyond his short term self-interest to discover that whatever the fossil fuel people paid him to write what amounts to an ideological dysinformation tract he could have made even more money out of writing the scientific truth on global warming. Had Singer been smarter by writing about British Petroleum and Ford Motor Company's investment of billons in alternatives to fossil fuels (and NOT "merely" to reduce carbon emissions) he no doubt would have been able to boast of servicing an even better class of clientel.
