The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489394
Posted By: thosp
21-Jun-01 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
i read the artical by sowell (and a bunch of others by him) my reaction --- he turns a tricky phrase -- a lot of slight of word ---- anyway lets assume for a moment that he and others like him are correct --and that greenhouse gasses etc. are not causing global warming --- what about all the other things they are causing i.e. cancer,asthma in children,acid rain,fouling water etc.etc.etc.----- just for those and other items that i haven't mentioned ---don't you think something should be done to clean up the enviornment? try and stand behind a buss or truck and breath --- where do you think all that carbon dioxide goes -- to an alternate universe -- or lets see the trees turn it into nice clean air -- i don't think so --- the tree huggers have a lot fewer trees to hug everyday (and lets not knock treehuggers unless they knock whatever you are hugging!)and a lot more sources of pollution! (end of rant by tree hugging (even if i do live in a city)nader voting,card carrying aclu :) etc. amnesty int loving)

peace (Y) thosp