The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35683   Message #489411
Posted By: Sorcha
21-Jun-01 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Experiences with Ghosts & The Paranormal
Subject: RE: BS: Experiences with Ghosts & The Paranormal
I don't know if this counts or not; I rather doubt it, but all day today I have had one of those Panic Attacks deep in the stomach. The one where you know they are coming to take your children away or reposess your real reason for it.

Went out to supper (I was too "sick" to cook, and not hungry, but the fellas were). Just as we were finishing, Bubba's girlfriend came crashing into the restaurant and said that Jeff had rolled his pickup, didn't know how bad or if he was hurt, didn't know if Blue Dog was in the bed.......immediately the Fear in the Stomach went away....IT had happened.

Jeff (one of my Other Kids) is OK, Blue Dog was at home and it's only the truck that is totaled.

Another: When we moved into this house (10 yrs ago), the attic was half unfinished attic and half "started bedroom". We finished the bedroom part for daughter Kate, and she moved in shortly after Valentine's Day, '91 and immediately started having sleep problems. Never had any before.

I stayed up very late one night, after she went to sleep, and spent some time in Her Room.......out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of an "aboriginal/Native American female......naked, very short (4'5" or so) with VERY long, black hair. Hair clear past her bum and not braided. No sense at all of menace, but a lot of anger.

Seems that "we/Kate" had invaded her space......I watched for several days and kept seeing the lady and she was very angry, so Kate and I did a Ceremony involving Light, Corn, Tobacco,Sweetgrass, Sage and Silver. Told her she was not threatened in any way, and we were sorry she was angry, etc. It must have worked because she has not been back since and Kate is now quite comfortable in her room.

Upshot is----who really knows???

I've had a couple other strange experiences especially at Historical Sites; mostly feeling like I was being watched and judged......don't know what the Verdict was, but I've never been frightened.

My dad used to visit as a "feeling", but hasn't since Mom died, guess he was worried about her.