The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489430
Posted By: Bill D
21-Jun-01 - 11:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
human beings in general now have an amazing ability to effect (and affect) change faster than their psyches, egos and emotions can comprehend the results. We are affecting the global climate, even though this may be superimposed upon changes which would be happening naturally anyway. Chloroflorocarbons do make changes to the atmosphere, and mathematics can tell us approximately how much......and even if you doubt the math or 'suspect' that someone is trying to profit from manipulation of the situation, it is almost ALWAYS best to err on the side of caution in these matters.

If were to go to a quiet street and drive thru an intersection at 100 MPH, you would 'probably' not get hit, but it is STILL stupid to try it! If a rare species of butterfly (or a spotted owl) or a type of algae become extinct, it 'probably' wont cause any noticable harm...If you allow more & more species of plants and animals to become extinct every year, eventually the eco-system WILL collapse (or become something we do NOT like!)

Likewise, if you keep releasing greenhouse gasses and CFCs, NO MATTER WHAT NATURE IS DOING AT THE SAME TIME, it will give you results you do not like!

Some of you LOVE to point fingers and quibble over petty points of analysis..(especially if you can cast aspersions on some country, political institution, or corporation of which you are not fond). Have fun.....but do remember that gambling is a fun hobby only if you have plenty to spare!