The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35714   Message #489528
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
22-Jun-01 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 56
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 56
I offer this as a possible future challenge, scope for sentimental song: (BTW the pig was saved by the judge)

The owner of a retired celebrity pig is fighting a legal battle to save him from the foot-and-mouth slaughter. Grunty, a rare Maori kune kune pig, starred in a children's television film and has his own website.

But his fame did not stop an inspector from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) from ordering him to be culled under the foot-and-mouth regulations.

Grunty's farm in Somerset was condemned because his owner had visited another of her holdings, which turned out to be infected.

Rosemary Upton, of Hill Farm, Stawley, near Wellington, Somerset, is applying for permission to seek a judicial review.

Appearing for her, Stephen Smith QC, suggested that Grunty had a much stronger case for survival than Phoenix the calf, saved after a blaze of publicity in April.

Grunty starred in Pig at the Ritz on Channel Five and in pleasanter times has accompanied Mrs Upton on trips to the local village.
(c)BBC ONline