The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489547
Posted By: mooman
22-Jun-01 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Some interesting points DJH and well put.

I'm a scientist and I try to be an open minded one. But I don't blame you for not trusting science. There are several aspects to this: the way scientific research is conducted, it has tended to become "adversarial" and biased as you correctly observe, often based on one or other vested interest that is funding it. Even in my own organization I am warned "remember who you work for" if I rattle the cage although that has only ever encouraged me to do so even more. A good scientist must stand back and take a professional, even view based on the facts just as a good doctor must work on the medical evidence he has.

Unfortunately, here in Europe there are some disgraceful episodes where politicians and bureaucrats have blamed or ignored scientists because of there own interests and this has lead to many deaths scandals and a general lessening of public trust in science. I'm sure the same is true across the various ponds.

I would regard being called a "tree-hugger" (a term I never heard before this thread) as a real compliment!
