The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489696
Posted By: JedMarum
22-Jun-01 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
I see the favorite anecdotal comments whipping up fears of imminent doom based upon armchair science - I see newsreader interpretations of scientific reports that cast fear and point fingers of blame on popular targets (those darn conservatives, those piggish SUVs, those evil empire petroleum companies) - I see politicians up in arms and rushing to the rescue, offering to fight the evil foes of the environment if only we'd finally elect them to power. I hear little (but there appears recently to be some) meaningful reports from the scientific community that is based upon scientifc method and valid research. The truth is; there is NOT consensus among the scientific community on the meaning of data supporting temperature change theories.

I remember the last time Chicken Little sunk her teeth this deep into public awareness. We had seemingly responsible scientists reporting on the nightly news that AIDs would have decimated the earth's population by the year 2000. How is it we forget these panics so quickly and jump whole heartedly into the next one with such reckless abandon?