The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489885
Posted By: gnu
22-Jun-01 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Sorry guys - just got back to the discussion.

Alex - The photos would, I assume, be from when they started taking them up to present. What would that be ?

Bert - What's sewage got to do with global warming ? It's a shitty argument. I just called Home Hardware and they don't have any solar powered AC units. You'd think they would because I'm sure they'd sell like hot cakes.

Shields Folk - Nope. Canadian. And skeptical of anything that can't be proven.

Carol C - Yup to being affected IF. No to agreeing that it will continue to warm up.

Mooman - one degree in one hundred years doesn't excite me too much. You suggest I do not have an open mind and that I have an ostrich mentality… I know you are, but what am I.

Katlaughing - my humblest apologies for the inconsiderate remark. It was offensive and my lack of thought before typing it is apalling.

DJH - ten degrees Celcius in one hundred years ? Gee, I didn't know that. I thought it was one degree. That is a heck of a rise. I might have to put on my walkin shoes ! Do you know the ISBN ? the institution ? whatever ?

Anyone know if the release of gasses formed by underwater lava flows contributes to ozone depletion ? Further, I wonder how this stacks up against man made depletion ? Also, I don't understand how the US contributes 25% of carbon dioxide production. How does the US do that ?

Oh yeah, I forget who mentioned the incorrectness of equating green house effects and ozone depletion but I did not equate the two.