The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489982
Posted By: Bert
22-Jun-01 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Gnu, I said "pollution doesn't happen either". Some people claim a relationship between pollution and global warming.

Way back in the fifties when I first heard the global warming predictions, I was one of the disbelievers. But in the last forty years or so I have seen too many examples of what they were saying then. More extremes of weather. More temperature records being broken. More floods, more tornadoes, more hurricanes. All of these things were predicted and were tied with more pollution generally.

"...Home Hardware...don't have any solar powered AC units. You'd think they would because I'm sure they'd sell like hot cakes." No they wouldn't - there is so little interest in the subject that My friend couldn't get financing to go into production even though he had a working prototype.

There is so little interest in solar power that that when President Reagan removed the subsidy for solar projects there was little protest from the nation.

It's not just air conditioning, it's any solar power. The oil companies make so much money by selling you oil or gas or electricity (much of which is produced from oil) that their sales pitch is powerful enough to overcome what little interest there is in alternative power.

Kat is the ONLY Mudcatter who has expressed an interest. If I can get some more people interested I'll call Dave and ask him how many orders he will need to be able to get a loan to start production. Wouldn't it be nice to get you air conditioning for free? Or for just the cost of a circulating fan.
