The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #489988
Posted By: gnu
22-Jun-01 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
mooman said.... And the answers are equally clear to those who can be bothered to think.

moman said... I am getting weary fighting the ostrich mentality.

gnu said.... Mooman - one degree in one hundred years doesn't excite me too much. You suggest I do not have an open mind and that I have an ostrich mentality… I know you are, but what am I.

moomman said.... Kindly read my various posts properly before making inappropriate personal remarks.

gnu SAYS.... if you want to fight, fine. If you want to fight unfairly, f*** you.

SF said.... gnu Look up arrogance in a dictionary.. or if its easier look in a mirror.

gnu SAYS.... SF, I could do the same thing with our conversation that I did with mooman's above, but I quickly grow weary of those who twist words or invent words and try to put them in others' mouths to attepmt to shed themselves of responsibility for their own words. Like I said, fight fair or ....

If that's the way scientists conduct their research, God help us all. Speaking of God, God bless America, and my hulkin big truck - you guys have no credibility. I have proven that.