The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #490279
Posted By: MAV
23-Jun-01 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Good Grief!

All this bitching and hugging, and I haven't even been here.

Solar AC sounds real likely to be a solution (of course it probably wouldn't work at night).

It is hottest when the sun shines hardest (duh) so you cover your roof with photovoltaic cells (copper or silicon) who's price will continue to go down as production increases.

Your voltage can go to a marine deep discharge battery bank which then drives a 12 or 24 volt conventional refrigerant closed loop evaporative system.

A well insulated house would be ultimately important.

This would be considered a "solution" largely if most people in places like CA were to install it. Think of the job creation.

There are other likely methods of course

Myself....I don't believe in either Air conditioning or CFCs adverse effect on the ozone layer.

The US may create 25% of the 5% of the CO2 NOT caused by nature.

Theat means they DON'T CREATE THE OTHER 75%!

You can draw your own conclusions, as this site illustrates Carbon Monoxide (CO) pollution which is poisonous to air breathers (as opposed to CO2 which we exhale).

CO is a product of incomplete combustion and because it chemically wants to become a stable coumpound it can result in acid rain and the formation of other atmospheric chemicals including CO2.

Cool NASA Visable Earth CO photos

Since it follows that the concentration would be strongest near the source (deep red color) and considering atmospheric drift. It looks like Africa and China are the largest sources of serious CO production nevermind CO2.

It also looks like the US is not.

Here I go

mav out