The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8039   Message #49114
Posted By: Anne
12-Dec-98 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Potato Help
Subject: RE: Potato Help
I can't believe I'm actually sharing this info BUUUT, the singer you heard was none other than Cheryl Wheeler. She's incredible. She's wildly funny on stage but can be just as tender in songs such as "Arrow" and "Aces." I don't believe that she has ever recorded that song about potatoes; but I THINK that Christine Lavin might have recorded it on one of her humorous compilations. Christine has these 2 CDs of Folk Musicians singing their funny songs or telling stage stories, all done live I believe. Anyway look up Cheryl Wheeler and you won't be dissappointed. Circles and Arrows is my favorite Cheryl CD. Definately catch her live if you can.
