The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35693   Message #492302
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
26-Jun-01 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Lori Berenson gets 20 years!
Subject: RE: Lori Berenson gets 20 years!
She is not innocent. She is playing the United States for a patsy and is waiting for you to bail her out "as a gesture of goodwill."

Lori's own words condemn her.

She met the verdict calmly, standing most of the time as a clerk read the lengthy findings against her for more than three hours. Earlier Wednesday, Berenson spoke in her own defense, telling the three-judge court "I am innocent of the charges against me."

"I've been classified as a terrorist," Berenson said. "I am not a terrorist. I condemn terrorism, and I want to reiterate that."

She said that in Peru, the word "terrorist" has been used so often that the real meaning of the word "is no longer understood." <>

"There has been political violence, and within this political violence there has been on the part of the state, or of the subversives, actions that might be classified as terrorist. It would be important to study this in its proper magnitude and identify those who are responsible. That's for the well-being of the country," she said.


A native of New York, Berenson was detained by Peruvian security forces November 30, 1995. At the time, she was living with members of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement -- an armed Peruvian organization -- in a Lima suburb.

Berenson claims she was in the country working as a free-lance journalist for unspecified "leftist" publications, and that she never knew her housemates were suspected terrorists. During a bloody raid on the house Berenson had rented, Peruvian security forces found weapons, explosives, and a detailed plan of the Peruvian congress. <>