The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35720   Message #492813
Posted By: mooman
27-Jun-01 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming, yes/no?
Good post CarolC! I attended a seminar of the "European-Japanese Experts Group" (a sort of "think tank") a few years ago and heard a very good presentation by the Japanese Environmental Director (or something similar) of one of the big Japanese electronics companies who had totally implemented the international environmental management standard, ISO 14001, at ALL of their numerous manufacturing sites.

He quoted that in Europe legislators often talk of "PPP" (usually an acronym for "public-private partnerships"). In his company they used the same acronym but, this time, standing for "(environmental) "protection provides profits". This struck me as very interesting.

The company had completely rationalised its materials procurement and use policy, its energy use, its discharges to water and air (which is basically throwing money down the drain or up the flue), and redesign of the energy usage and radiation emission of its projects (which enabled it to label many of its products "green" which immediately interested a large group of consumers). The implementation of the environmental management process certainly cost them a lot of money but, in the longer term, enabled them to make greater profits due to energy and material savings, less money spent on "clean up" and greater sales.

Perhaps this is an example of the type of innovative thinking you were referring to Carol?

JonW (25 June, 7:36 post). Most probably its the divine inspiration I'm lacking at the moment!

Good idea Carol, let's take this to a (part 2) if people are interested in continuing the discussion!
