If you are in sales, and earning enough commission to stay there, especially if you're working on straight commission, he should be doing everything in his power(including bonuses, profit sharing, sales incentive programs, etc, etc) to make and keep you happy--including taking you and the others at your level out to lunch about once a month just to stay on good terms with you(and once a week wouldn't be a bad idea)--Most important, he would get rid of all that non-sales work that you are doing (even if he has to do it himself for a while) so that you can concentrate on what is most important to the company, which is selling--I'll bet I know why he is bugging you, though, and he probably has the same problem that Jim's boss has--sales are off--most likely, if he is like most small employers, he doesn't have any real management expertise, and doesn't really know what to do about it--he wants you to do more selling, and thinks that you could, but aren't--
Now, I like Jim Dixon, and even defend ocassional surfing at work (yours, too) but when he tells you that you are right to ignore your boss, he is giving you the stupidest, wrongheadedest, most self-destructive advice that anyone can give an employee--YOU SHOULD NEVER IGNORE YOUR BOSS!!!
If your boss questions something that you are doing, you at least should sit and talk, so that you can explain the what and the why of what you are doing--and find out what the real problems are, and make a real effort to help resolve the problems, after all, if you don't care what happens to the place, why are you there in the first place?
Anyway, if you talk to your boss about this stuff, and don't feel like you are getting anywhere, maybe it is time for you to move on--Like I said above, you are a valuable commodity(and a rarity) in the workplace, because you can sell, and have the experience to prove it--With a little looking, you could probably double your income, get an office of your own, and be working with people who are really pleased that they found you--