The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35818   Message #494880
Posted By: JudeL
29-Jun-01 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Help: Wearing hats or caps ; Manners?
Subject: RE: Help: Wearing hats or caps ; Manners?
Bald Eagle, I love your story about your friend and the stars & I too salute her courage and I am glad that she is getting better and hope that her progress continues. Yesterday I heard that while I was away last week another friend had lost his fight against cancer. Although we all knew he was ill, none of us expected the end to come this soon. I will miss his company and his ability to cut right through all the waffling bullshit going on around us to say what he belived was right, but most of all I think I will miss his dry sense of humour and that glint in his eye that invited you to be amused at the pomposity of some speaker. And DAMMIT it still doesn't seem possible that he's gone !*^$%£^%&%^*
And now having got all melancholy and maudlin I think it's time I stopped, went down the pub for a pint and find a friend to hug.