The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35962   Message #494888
Posted By: GUEST,little john cameron
29-Jun-01 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Subject: RE: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Welcome back auld yin.Whit's the story oan the aortic aneurysm noo?Are ye able tae go for a hurl oan the bike?Ah wis jist lookin at a 1973 Bonnie,$3000 bit unfortunately ah cannae wangle the money.The wife wants tae squander the money oan groceries an' ither useless items.Ah weel ah can aye dream.Did ye lose oney weight?Ye could dae wi' losin a few pounds could ye no'?Ye did great.Ah wis in the ICU for twa monthe an then anither month oan the ward.Complications ye know.Great tae be health again for anither while. ljc