The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35962   Message #495104
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Jun-01 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Subject: RE: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Thanks so much to all of you.........Still one helluva' place ain't it?

But Now..............

I just went down and picked up the mail from the Post Office that they were holding and I ran across this strange letter on a vaguely familiar letterhead and, uh....................


So what's going on anyway. Evidently some of my partners in the firm of Patterson, Fielding, Swan, and Lane were expecting some different result here as I found this letter with a return addy of "Fielding, Swan, and Lane, Lay-Abouts At Large and For Hire"........I couldn't help but notice that "Patterson" was missing. So I open the envelope and read the letter on the matching letterhead I might add. Obviously you've been using the services of some typist at that phoney-baloney union you work for and she's obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer because I don't think I was supposed to get a copy of this particlar missive. The text reads:


Hey There Fellow Layabouts!

First, let me ask you.....Ain't this new stationary cool looking? Spaw never wanted to change from that shite color brown and now we can do it! Nice and professional looking huh? The printer ran me some for approval so I thought I'd use it here.

Well El Swanno, I think that based on your medical expertise and Brother Fielding, your read of Pat's general mood, we can start to make some changes around here. Dave, I do want to make sure that your medical terms mean what I think they do. You state that Spaw's condition is "MUH/PBS" which I take to mean, "Messed Up Heart/Pretty Bad Shape" and the possible outcomes for the operation are a stroke resulting in C-CFCCP, meaning "Coo-Coo For CoCoa Puffs" but since he is PCL (pre-code looking?) we can figure the actual probability to be CTD/ART which I assume is "Circling The Drain/Assuming Room Temperature." If I'm right here, then we can mark him off the books soon as NLPR (No Longer Playing Records).

So then Brothers......How do we divide the loot? None of us are well off and neither was he (see how easy we can move to past tense?....or should that be "passed" tense....LOL) but there are the guitars and mandos and dulcimers and such....PLUS, we can't let his copy of the Secret Ritual Code Book get into the wrong hands. God knows that feckin' gob-shite had the thing down to an art, but we can't allow anyone else to know that his, and our, lovability is a complete sham! How that guy could shite all over people and still be loved! Like I say, an art form, but our lovability quotients at Mudcat are threatened until we get that damn book back!

Think on it and hope for the best! Are either of you free for the funeral? Let me know and I'll try to make it too. Might be an opp for getting back the book, not to mention selling those 'Catters on our honor, sensitivity and all that shite. I know I'd prefer to be fishing, but what are you gonna' do?

Best Wishes....LOL,

Big Mick


Now lookit here Mick......I admire your greed and that Michigan Wolverine "going for the jugular" thing, but wait until I belly up man!!! Come to think of it though, maybe we need to add a chapter on this kind of thing in the Ritual Manual..................Anyway, cancel the order at the printers unless you want to pay for the stuff yourself.

Have Nice Evening.

Brother Spaw
Patterson, Fielding, Swan, and Lane
Layabouts at Large and For Hire