John Harrington Cox 'Folk-Songs of the South' Pelican Publishing Company 1998 [Reprint of original 1925 edition] at pages 110-114 gives 5 variants of Child #85, 'Lady Alice', collected by the author in West Virginia in 1916 and 1917 under various titles: 'George Collins', 'Young Collins', 'Johnny Collins' and 'John Collins'. Three of the texts represent one version and the other two another, but they all differ from the Child versions.The Warners collected the ballad in North Carolina. The second volume of the recent Appleseed CD issues from the Warner collection, 'Nothing Seems Better to Me' Appleseed APR CD 1036, has a recording by Nathan and Rena Hicks of Beech Mountain (1940). The Warners also collected a version from Lee Monroe Presnell, the full lyrics and music for which may be found in Anne Warner 'Traditional American Folk Songs from Anne and Frank Warner Collection' p 239.