The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35962   Message #495409
Posted By: catspaw49
30-Jun-01 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Subject: RE: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Well, there are some hpoeless cases gnu, and Mouldy is right......flatulence in my case is one. Water gives me gas fer crissakes! Interesting though that St.Jude CAUSED another hopeless situation which I may as well own up to here and now............

As you know, the robot only required two pencil sized holes to enter my chest and those are on the right side, opposite the heart. When they decided the valve could not be repaired and selected the St.Jude, they put a two inch incision below my right breast and between the ribs to sort of "hand it to the robot" now inside. The little hands and arms moved it across and did all the cutting and suturing to install it in the heart. All well and good so far huh?

Okay, so let's remember that these guys are cardio surgeons and cosmetics aren't high on their list of priorities. When it came to closing the "window" they simply pulled some skin down and tied it up with some steri-strips. This results in a "push-up" style look to my right tit, BUT ALSO meant that the nipple, instead of pointing forward, now points down!! funniest looking damn thing you ever saw!!!! The sites have almost healed already and in another 6 weeks when I am allowed, I can't wait to go swimming somewhere and wait for the stares and comments! I need some good "story" though like male breast reduction gone bad or something..............I just ran into a friend and showed him and he couldn't believe the robot story or based on how good I looked that I'd just had heart surgery so I figure a well crafted lie will be more easily believed than the amazing truth.
