The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36030   Message #495489
Posted By: Mrs.Duck
30-Jun-01 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: do u believe?
Subject: RE: BS: do u believe?
I have been twice blessed in my life to be loved by and to love both my husbands. Steve, my first husband and father of my eldest three children was a very special man and I will never stop loving him (he died when Little Duckling was 9 weeks old). I was convinced that I could not and would not ever meet someone who I could feel the same way about and then one day there was Geoff! Every bit as special as Steve and yet not alike at all. He often says he would have liked to have met Steve as he thinks they would have got on well although it would have been different for us if that was the case. I love them both and always will and Geoff is happy with that as my deep feelings for Steve only prove how much I love him to have been able to start again! But yes, Jon, whilst it may be easy to fall in love staying in love needs commitment and work on both sides and it can be fun too!!!Oh and Geoff if you read this - I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART
And I don't care how sloppy that sounded!!!!