The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36070   Message #495802
Posted By: Fiolar
01-Jul-01 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: Battle Anniversaries
Subject: Battle Anniversaries
Today July 1st is the anniversary of two famous or infamous battles one at least which has left a legacy of hatred and bitterness which time seems to have done nothing to heal. The Battle of the Boyne was fought on July 1st 1690 (old calendar) and it is still remembered on July 12th. The second saw the start of the Battle of the Somme which took place on July 1st 1916. Thirteen British divisions attacked the German front lines following a bombardement which had lasted five days and in which nearly two million shells had been fired at the German positions. Infantry men each of which carried 66 pounds of kit marched towards the machine guns and wire which were supposed to have been detroyed. At the end of the day British losses amounted to nearly 20,000 dead, almost 36,000 wounded and over 2,000 missing (ie blown to bits) and nearly 600 captured. The "battle" dragged on until Novemeber 1916 and in that time the total estimated casualties for both sides totalled well over one and a quarter million. Allied gains? A strip of land 20 miles long and 7 miles wide. Funny how a minor battle like the Boyne is still remembered and I wonder how many will be marching today to celebrate the Somme?