The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36030   Message #496762
Posted By: Mrrzy
02-Jul-01 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: do u believe?
Subject: RE: BS: do u believe?
True love, yes. Love at first sight, yes. My X2B and I had a HUGE, cymbals-crashing, the-whole-universe-blew-away-and-all-that-was-left-was-each-other's-eyes kind of meeting, sparks all over for the early times... then 10 years of growing abuse later, I fled with 2 small boys in actual physical fear... but we've (X2B and I) never stopped loving each other. And we still both "know" it was "meant to be" and yet, it isn't happening... by my choice, to flee before the abuse turned physical...So it isn't all wine and roses, either!