The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11190   Message #497225
Posted By: Kaleea
03-Jul-01 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: Counting Songs
Subject: RE: Counting Songs
One two, buckle my shoe, three, four, shut the door, five, six, pick up sticks, seven, eight, lay them straight, nine, ten, a big fat hen. Start to count all over again. One, two . . .

and then there's . . .

There was one, there were two, there were three little angels, there were four, there were five, there were six little angels, there were seven, there were eight, there were nine little angels, ten little angels in the band. On wasn't a band, Sunday morning, wasn't it a band, Sunday morning, wasn't it a band, Sunday morning, Ten little angels in the band.

and who can forget:

One elephant went out to play . . .