The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35345   Message #497363
Posted By: InOBU
03-Jul-01 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: Vanishing Occupations.Street entertainers
Subject: RE: Vanishing Ocupations.Street entertainers
Dear Hesperis:
I know that feeling when you get "stiffed" - but that's busking. I've noticed folks with video cameras almost NEVER give you anything at all, after recording a nice little music video, as if I should be honnored to break a gut playing the pipes for his home movies. One tourest fellow, may have been Italian, was listening to me on a subway platform, recording me with his video camera for about 15 minuets, his whole family listening... he gave me a dime 10 EFFING CENTS! I mean, did he realise that was an insult! Well, I smiled and nodded to him, then, as he turned away, rolled my eyes and smiled at the rest of the listeners, who then coughed up the bucks. But, you have to appear to be thankful to get ahead, no matter how they abuse you
All the best,