The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35345   Message #498691
Posted By: Seamus Kennedy
05-Jul-01 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: Vanishing Occupations.Street entertainers
Subject: RE: Vanishing Ocupations.Street entertainers
I used to busk on the streets of Dublin when I was in college back in the '60's, and in Boston in the early '70's, before I got older and realized that being indoors, dry and warm while performing was easier on the body than being outdoors, cold and wet. I would like to take exception to Stevangelist's assertion way up there near the top. I and all the other buskers I know did it for the money. It was how we supported ourselves. Don't get me wrong, we loved the music and performing, but we had to eat and pay for a doss as well, so yes, money was the prime motive. As well as the open guitar-case we also had a 'bottler' - a friend who would go round the crowd with a hat and urge them good humoredly to pay well. Sometimes two of us performers would take a 'pitch' (performing location) and alternate sets, and 'bottle' for each other. We'd often do a last set together, 'bottle' together, repair to a pub and split the earnings. I've performed with Johnny Beggan, Shay Walker, Declan Hunt, Tom O'Carroll, Clive Collins and a few other busking greats. I ALWAYS give money to street performers because I'm getting something fine in return, as opposed to the despicable fake VietNam vets (no offense to REAL VietNam vets!) who plague us at corners and median strips.

Alla the best.
