The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36203   Message #499126
Posted By: Grab
05-Jul-01 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: Another Sectarian Killing
Subject: RE: Another Sectarian Killing
JimmyC & Fiolar: A terrible list certainly. But citing one side's list of grievances is exactly the problem here - the unionists can equally produce their own list of victims since the GFA. Having a nice neat list of reasons to hate the other side is always convenient for maintaining that vendetta against the other side, whether the vendetta goes to shooting or whether it involves stonewalling political solutions suggested by each other.

There's mention of the "republican community" and "loyalist community" staying solid in the face of provocation. Don't forget that the ppl responsible for the violence are NOT the majority, they are the minority, and they're doing this as a desperate attempt to maintain their power through terror. These are the "no surrender" fanatics OF BOTH SIDES.
