The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36203   Message #499691
Posted By: English Jon
06-Jul-01 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: Another Sectarian Killing
Subject: RE: Another Sectarian Killing

Slightly confused, here?

"So please, don't give us the "tut tut tut, the Irish can't get along..." responce we have heard so often from England. "

When did I say that? Tell me please?

"ENGLAND promoted sectarian violence through loyalist terror squads."

ENGLAND is a piece of land which the English live on. I presume you mean the British government? A (supposedly) democratically elected body. I can tell you now, no-one I've ever voted for has ever held a seat.

"Loyalist" to whom? Ultimately H.M. the Queen, who is arguably GERMAN. (Sax-Coburg - i.e. Royal house of Saxony). Take note. Oh yes, I didn't vote for her either.

Britain, btw, as a political (including electoral) body includes Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man etc. Also Northern Ireland, like it or not.

And I've certainly never sent any of my mates over to Ireland to blow things up, although while we're on that point, when I lived in London I narrowly missed being blown to smithereens on two occasions by incendiary devices that the I.R.A. later claimed responsibility for. To whit:

1. Suicide Bomber on New cross-Lewisham Bus (which pulled away before I got on)

2. Canary Wharf bomb. (I was within 1/2 a mile at the time.)

Either of these, had I not been running late, WOULD have killed me. Thank you Casio £2 watch.

Anyway, I'm not prepared to get stirred up about it. What bothers me is the complete lack of appreciation for the value of human life of these INDIVIDUALS. I give not a fuck for politics.

(Is it the assumption of the jury that "English Jon" is anti-Irish? Well I hate bloody riverdance if that counts.)

If you like, I can complain at length about Irish Aggressions towards the "English". E.G. Roger Casement's anti-ally policies during WW2 (Siding with the Germans (q.v.), supplying guns etc) and the bleeding "Banner Strand" lording him as a hero etc etc. Have I upset anyone? - O.K. So why not have another go at blowing me up? And that's why politics is bollocks.

Anyone can throw shit, but that doesn't make an excuse for murder. Case closed.

Sorry about this sudden bout of invective InoBu. I think the situation in Ireland is really very sad, and I can understand people getting upset about it. But I'm a lot more worried about people trying to kill each other. So you don't like being governed by westminster? guess what, neither do I. Maybe we should take a leaf out of Guy Fawkes's Book? More usefull than blowing up a hospital, surely...

Anyway, I don't want to make a political point in all of this. I'm not trying to belittle the "political" side of this issue, and please don't anybody think I'm a BNP member or anything, - I'm really not. I'm very concerned about the Moral issue at the core of it all. It amazes me that people can treat each other with so little respect, and there is obviously something fundamentally wrong with society if it proceeds to condone military activities. My point is that this sort of behaviour is inhuman and I don't think it should be given the dignity, if that's the right word, of political or social support of any kind.