The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36281   Message #499807
Posted By: Maryrrf
06-Jul-01 - 11:03 AM
Subject: Stiffed by record companies ?
This thread ties in with "Sign on the dotted line, Kid" but I wanted to widen the topic a little bit. In today's world where it's fairly easy to produce one's own CD, promote one's music over the net, etc. are the traditional record labels becoming obsolete? What about such companies as Green Linnet, Shanachie, etc.? Would a performer in general be better off going it alone or going after a contract with a label? Several people have told about their experiences - I'd be interested in hearing more, both pro and con. Many artists, if I'm not mistaken, such as Loreena McKennit, Ani Di Franco, etc. have done very well with their own labels and obviously people like Andy M. Stewart are getting fed up with the established record labels and are doing their own thing through sites such as "Chivalry". What is the opinion of mudcatters?