The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36303   Message #500384
Posted By: Celtic Soul
06-Jul-01 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: A Real Folksinger
Subject: RE: A Real Folksinger
All in all a really wonderful post on the love of the craft.

I can't help but see one small part as being a little skewed, though.

I think that the love of a thing does not prohibit the earning of money from it. In fact, earning a living at what you love is one of the most rewarding things one can do with ones life.

So long as you treat your audience with respect, and are not up there merely for yourself, what is the harm in earning some money doing it? I go to craftsman for furniture, for instruments, for art, for jewelry and I pay for their wares and bring home something marvelous that I can enjoy and share with others.

Why is a folk musician any different than any of the other artisans to whom we pay money in trade for their hard work?

I don't want to detract from the wonderful sentiment contained, though. I thought it a beautifully penned and poetic description.
