The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44686   Message #500398
Posted By: Jimmy C
07-Jul-01 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: Carrickfergus
Subject: RE: Help: Carrickfergus
Annroi a cara, by coincidence I just received an Irish Language tape from home for a litttle nephew here in Canada. It is in English and Irish and covers basic words and phrases and appears to be lessons 1 through to about 8 of a course called " Now You're Talking". The course leader is a lady and by her accent she is from the north somewhere.
Anyway one of the segments is taped in Carrickfergus castle and she clearly states (in English) This is Carrickfergus Co. Antrim, do not get it confused with the one in the song, which is in Kilkenny"?.
I will retrieve it from him next week and find out her name and the publisher etc. I am sure you know someone who may have a copy. It is a fairly recent publication and should be easy to find.
Sorry I did not contact you when I was home in May but I was only there for 2 weeks and had an awfu lot to accomplish. However I will be home again in May 2002, so maybe then.


Jimmy ( from Lepper Street)