The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36278   Message #500440
Posted By: mooman
07-Jul-01 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: Penguin Eggs
Subject: RE: Penguin Eggs
For good scientific form (the biologist showing in me I guess!) the auks are from an entirely different order (Charadriiformes), related to puffins and razorbills, than penguins (Sphenisciformes)which are confined to the southern hemisphere, although they do admittedly look a little like penguins!

While mentioning the great Nic Jones and his essential album "Penguin Eggs" and the song from which the album takes its name as Ralphie says above, it is worth crediting the author of that fine Australian song (originally called "The Litle Pot Stove" too, Harry Robertson, who wrote it from direct experience on the southern whaling fleets.

None of which takes away from and is entirely beside the point, of course, the fine Canadian folk magazine of the same name... just a little further background!
