The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36203   Message #500461
Posted By: Fiolar
07-Jul-01 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: Another Sectarian Killing
Subject: RE: Another Sectarian Killing
The use of non-violence in Nothern Ireland is a red herring as for years the Catholic community were terrorised by the B-Specials and the so called peace-keepers the RUC, and before any one rushes in and tells me that I am maligning a great police force, just remember some of the incidents over the years. I think it was an Inspector Nelson (apologies if I am wrong) who massacred a Catholic family and later got promoted. Also remember Burntollet and God only knows how many other incidents. If non-violence and bowing to so-called higher authority worked - great but just look around the world and in the pages of history. With very few exceptions, states which today are independent and valued members of the world community nearly always got their independence by turning to "violence." Shall I start with the USA and progress to the Irish Republic, Kenya and so many others. Also the calls for the decommissioning of IRA weapons is really another obstacle by the Unionists who let's face it just do not want to share power with the Nationalists. If a head count is taken of the number killed by gunshot say as compared to those killed by bombs, I know which would be the greater. Bombs can so easily be made from fertilizer and sugar. With regard to Trimble "apologising" it says something of the man who uttered the lie in the first place. Does he think that a few words uttered before the cameras can heal the hurt and anguish that his original words caused and remember there are always lunatics in that benighted place who will believe his first statement rather than his second.